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Torrente Enza in Inverno
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Education and environmental communication services and sustainable tourism


The several competence acquired in the study and preservation of the environment and the deep knowledge of Emilia Romagna territory in various environmental aspects regarding history, landscape, wine and food, rural residence and typical products, give our operators and guides the chance for suggesting educational activities, guided tours and excursions from Piacenza territory to the Po delta, passing from Canossa and all the other protected areas in Emilia Romagna.

In particular,
Incia stands out for its proposal in environmental education and sustainability, through guided tours of historical-naturalistic interest and involving projects enriched by laboratories and activities taking place in open air.


Main sectors of activity


  • Management of environmental and sustainable education centres

  • Environmental education for schools with didactic projects and manual and scientific laboratories

  • Information and awareness campaigns on environmental themes (waste, water, pollution, energy, bio-diversity)

  • Promotion and enhancement of the territory

  • Organization of scientific conventions



  • Training for teachers, educators and environmental operators

  • Support to formation centres in environment, agriculture and tourism



  • Organization of excursions, trekking, naturalistic guided tours to discover flora, fauna, history, typical products, food and wine and material culture

  • Nordic walking courses and walks

  • Eco-friendly tourism, naturalistic tourism, green stays for adults, environmental summer camps for children, school camps, educational laboratories and recreational activities

  • Organization of visits and activities in natural environment for groups of disabled people



  • Identification, planning, maintenance and low impact reclaiming of itineraries and tracks aiming to the discovery and the enhancement of flora, fauna, history and territory culture

  • Organization of exhibitions, aquariums, terrariums and dioramas

  • Management of visits to protected areas

  • Restoration and cataloguing of scientific collections



  • Naturalistic and educational publishing (drafting, layout and editorial coordination)

  • Production of texts, guides, brochures, trekking maps and educational posters

  • Photography and naturalistic drawing


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Incia società cooperativa - Consulenza Ambientale e Servizi per il Turismo
Sede legale: via Guglielmo Marconi, 24  •  42021 Bibbiano RE - Italy  •  P.IVA: 01910370350
telefono   347-7079453  Fabio  •  348-7915178  Roberto  •  E-mail: info@incia.coop  •  Posta certificata: incia@legalmail.it

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