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Environmental consulting service & communication


Incia is a cooperative society dealing with environmental consulting service for public bodies (corporations), cooperatives and private societies and offering educational and communication services about environment and sustainable tourism.

The society was born in the year 2000 thanks to five professional technicians. The multidisciplinary approach together with the competence and passion for the environment and the landscape makes INCIA distinguish itself for its ability to support local bodies and architectural, urban, geological and engineering studios.
The services offered concern the integrated analysis of the "environmental system", the support in the procedures for environmental evaluation (VAS, SIA) and incidence evaluation (VINCA) in the sites of NATURE SYSTEM 2000 and the naturalistic studies aimed to the processing of management plans for oasis, wildlife reserves or parks.

The society is committed with great care to managing the activities of the different centres of environmental education and sustainability, ranging from naturalistic visits and activities of Environmental Education for groups and schools, to information and communication campaigns, formation courses and scientific conventions.
As to the services for the fruition and the enhancement of the territory through environmental and sustainable tourism, they range from the creation and the management of itineraries to the production of educational and informative material, the management of groups, the organization of green stays for adults, summer camps for children, school camps, educational laboratories and recreational activities.

The society makes use of Excursion Environmental Guides and Tourist Guides qualified by Emilia Romagna Region according to the Regional Law n°4 of the year 2000 and n°4 of the year 2004.





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Incia società cooperativa - Consulenza Ambientale e Servizi per il Turismo
Sede legale: via Guglielmo Marconi, 24  •  42021 Bibbiano RE - Italy  •  P.IVA: 01910370350
telefono   347-7079453  Fabio  •  348-7915178  Roberto  •  E-mail: info@incia.coop  •  Posta certificata: incia@legalmail.it

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